Day 4-5: Langkawi
— Travel, Travel(2018 South East Asia) — 2 min read
Scenes from a 007 Restaurant
The view from Scarborough Fish & Chips was cinematic. Classic 50s Christmas music, sprawling picture perfect tropical beachfront, and maybe a dozen expats and tourists sitting in the restaurant. It felt like a place that James Bond would escape to for a few months between missions.
A Bridge to Nowhere
Nestled in the tropical forests on the west side of the island, a short drive away from the tourist resorts and commercial development that have modernized the infrastructure of the sleepy coastline, is a bridge to nowhere.
Up winding roads and the steepest gondola in the world, you climb hundreds of meters above sea level until you reach the bridge to nowhere.
Supported by a single iron support post, suspended above the trees below, looking out over the mountainous dense vegetation and the coast far below, is a curved walkway, a bridge to nowhere.
Sunrise Behind
We got up to see the sunrise.We got up in time, we swear.Maybe we forgot to check our compass,But we saw no rising sun anywhere.
Tamarind Cafe
Day or night the Tamarind Cafe, just steps from our cottage, was a hub for the Eagleye homestay. The open air cafe built under the shade of a 100 year old Tamarind tree and was a welcome spot anytime of day for guests, and was often where you could find Jeff, the Eagleye Homestay owner.
Our first night there, Jeff the owner, an overworked engineer from Germany, and a lady from Europe sat there most of the night talking, smoking, having the occasional drink, and enjoying the cool evening air as classic disco and rock played softly in the warmly lit cafe.